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New Britain is located right

in the middle of Connecticut.

Follow I84 from either the

West or East...

to rt72 ...or...enter it from

RTs 9 and 72

from the Middletown area...

route 5 Berlin Turnpike

to rt72 as well.



The Town of Washington Connecticut is

... a collection of five iconic villages in Litchfield County....Washington Green, Washington Depot, New Preston, Marbledale and Woodville..


Our name tells you much about our history but not all. Native Americans have been here for 10,000 years. Today, we are able to add nature, culture, food, shopping, hospitality...and more...


Current and Upcoming Events are posted on our Events Calendar.


Lake Waramaug, New Preston Falls, the Shepaug River, the Steep Rock Preserves, The Chief Waramaug Pinnacle…lots of nature.


The Washington Art Association, Institute of American Indian Studies, Gunn Museum and Library, The Gunnery School and the collection of Rossiter homes just off the Washington Green…lots of culture. Four-star formal, informal pub-style, quick serve breakfast-lunch and takeout eateries, numerous farms and orchards, markets, some farm…lots of food. Shopping for all ages, styles, tastes, clothing, books, art, antiques, even hardware…lots of shopping.
.... And, lots of fun.

Please visit the official community and tourism website for Washington, CT by clicking


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